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Verified 2.12.0 is pleased to announce the release of the following enhancements, deployed on August 18, 2022.

authID is the preferred biometric authentication platform for enterprises offering a highly adaptable and easy-to-integrate IDaaS solution for various use cases, leveraging the convergence of cloud-biometrics and device authentication to create a differentiated user experience with a high level of identity assurance.

This release primarily contains minor back-end improvements that require no code changes on behalf of existing customers and result in no UI/UX changes. Any new features in this release that impact UI/UX are available in a limited capacity to customers upon request. Should you have any questions regarding this release, please contact us at

Release 2.12.0 Enhancements

Passive Consent is available to select customers upon request - this enhancement removes the need for users to smile to begin biometric capture resulting in a faster, smoother user experience. This feature is disabled by default and must be enabled by authID support for use.