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Verified 2.7.0

Release Date: February 17, 2022 is pleased to announce the release of the following solution enhancements deployed with our Verified Platform V2.7.0 on February 17, 2022.

The Verified platform eliminates password risks, fraud risks, improves user experience, and simplifies CIAM and IAM deployments by providing advanced facial biometrics as a factor for authentication workflows. Verified is device agnostic, providing a cloud-based identity and can be seamlessly managed in any web browser across both desktop and mobile devices.

The enhancements included in this release require no coding on our customers' behalf. Should you have any questions regarding these changes, please contact us at

Release 2.7.0 Enhancements

New user guidance simplifies authentication in Chrome on iOS

A user experience improvement remedied usability issues concerning the use of Chrome in iOS when the users' camera was unavailable, in-use, or restricted by a privacy setting. Users will now be prompted with "tips" that will instruct them on the actions needed to grant Verified access to their device camera.

Device switching capability improves solution flexibility for users during authentication

A user experience improvement allows users to switch devices during authentication. In practice, users now have the ability to send an authentication or ID verification transaction to an alternate device at the beginning of that transaction or upon its failure.

PDF417 barcode reading improvements add solution flexibility for implementors

A solution enhancement allows for the reading and verification of drivers licenses that feature both a barcode and additional lines of text within the MRZ at once before proceeding.

User confirmation reduces errors and save time

A user experience improvement adds a user confirmation screen when a user declines a transaction request to ask the user whether they would like to proceed. Users can select Undo or Decline – and be returned to the transaction or terminate it accordingly.

Workflow improvements streamline user experience

Several workflow improvements and an updated UI for document capture simplify the authentication workflow and improve the user experience by removing unnecessary screens, updating buttons, and adapting document capture options to the device being used for the transaction.

Device choice during documentation verification improves solution flexibility for users

A user experience improvement allows users to switch to another device when there is an issue uploading a document for verification. Users will now be shown a QR code that will allow them to to transition to mobile devices at any point in their workflow.

UI updates clarify instructions for identity verification transactions

A user experience improvement updates text, adds infographics, and updates the overall UI for certain use cases like error messages, expired transactions, and expired sessions.