Biometric Search
The Biometric Search API enables real-time 1:N search of users, utilizing their facial biometrics. The main use case is to make sure that a user does not already have an account before enrolling the user's biometric.
Use Case
Use Case 1: Unique User Enrollment
When onboarding a new user, the platform must ensure that a user does not already have an existing account within the system. This verification step prevents a user from registering duplicate accounts, intentionally or unintentionally, and maintains the integrity of the platform.
Steps for Unique User Enrollment: :
Step 1: Collect the user’s biometric data by initiating either a Proof Transaction or a Selfie Transaction.
Step 2: After the transaction is completed, call the Biometric Search Identify API and provide the Operation ID.
Step 3: Inspect the results returned by the Identify API.
Step 4a: If an existing account is found, process the returned account identifier according to the desired business logic.
Step 4b: If an existing account is not found, proceed with user enrollment as described in Enroll User Credentials from Proof or Enroll User Credentials from Selfie.
Use Case 2: Authenticating a User via 1:N Search
1-to-Many authentication is ideal for customers who prefer not to prompt users for a username during authentication. In this scenario, the user simply provides a Selfie, and the authID platform identifies the user if they already exist in the system. The platform then returns a match, along with the associated username, streamlining the authentication process.
Steps for 1-to-Many Authentication: :
Step 1: Initiate a Selfe Transaction
Step 2: After the transaction is completed, call the Identify API and provide the Operation ID.
Step 3: Inspect the results returned by the Identify API.
Step 4a: If an existing account is found, process the returned username according to desired business logic.
Step 4b: If an existing account is not found, alert the user that their account is not found and process with retry or enrollment logic.
The below sections are covered under the Biometric Search:
Updated 4 months ago