Europe Region
Please find the table below that pertains to the Europe Region and the associated list of documents.
Country Continent | Country Region | ICAO Country Code | Country / Territory | Document |
Europe | Eastern Europe | BLR | Belarus | Pleasure Craft Certificate #2 |
Europe | Eastern Europe | BLR | Belarus | Pleasure Craft Certificate #2 Side B |
Europe | Eastern Europe | BGR | Bulgaria | Criminal police certificate #1 |
Europe | Eastern Europe | BGR | Bulgaria | Criminal police certificate #2 |
Europe | Eastern Europe | BGR | Bulgaria | Id Card #1 (Service Staff) |
Europe | Eastern Europe | BGR | Bulgaria | Id Card (2024) |
Europe | Eastern Europe | BGR | Bulgaria | Id Card (2024) Side B |
Europe | Eastern Europe | BGR | Bulgaria | Passport (1999) Seaman's |
Europe | Eastern Europe | BGR | Bulgaria | Passport (2000) Seaman's |
Europe | Eastern Europe | BGR | Bulgaria | Passport (2002) |
Europe | Eastern Europe | BGR | Bulgaria | Passport (2002) Diplomatic |
Europe | Eastern Europe | BGR | Bulgaria | Passport (2002) Service |
Europe | Eastern Europe | BGR | Bulgaria | Registration Certificate (2015) |
Europe | Eastern Europe | BGR | Bulgaria | Registration Certificate (2015) Side B |
Europe | Eastern Europe | BGR | Bulgaria | Residence Permit (2024) |
Europe | Eastern Europe | BGR | Bulgaria | Residence Permit (2024) Side B |
Europe | Eastern Europe | BGR | Bulgaria | Resident Card (2024) |
Europe | Eastern Europe | CZE | Czech Republic | Criminal police certificate #3 |
Europe | Eastern Europe | CZE | Czech Republic | Diplomatic Id Card (2016) #2 |
Europe | Eastern Europe | CZE | Czech Republic | Diplomatic Id Card (2016) #2 Side B |
Europe | Eastern Europe | CZE | Czech Republic | Id Card (2021-2023) Side B |
Europe | Eastern Europe | CZE | Czech Republic | Id Card (2023) |
Europe | Eastern Europe | CZE | Czech Republic | Registration Certificate (2005-2017) Side B |
Europe | Eastern Europe | CZE | Czech Republic | Registration Certificate (2017) |
Europe | Eastern Europe | CZE | Czech Republic | Registration Certificate (2024) |
Europe | Eastern Europe | CZE | Czech Republic | Registration Certificate (2024) Side B |
Europe | Eastern EuropeEastern Europe | MDA | Moldova, Republic of | Criminal police certificate #1 |
Europe | Eastern Europe | MDA | Moldova, Republic of | Id Card (2016-2022) (Humanitarian protection |
Europe | Eastern Europe | MDA | Moldova, Republic of | Id Card (2016-2022) (Refugee) |
Europe | Eastern Europe | MDA | Moldova, Republic of | Id Card (2016-2022) (Stateless person) |
Europe | Eastern Europe | MDA | Moldova, Republic of | Id Card (2022) (Humanitarian protection) Side B |
Europe | Eastern Europe | MDA | Moldova, Republic of | Id Card (2022) (Refugee) Side B |
Europe | Eastern Europe | MDA | Moldova, Republic of | Id Card (2022) (Stateless person) Side B |
Europe | Eastern Europe | MDA | Moldova, Republic of | International Driving License (2018) |
Europe | Eastern Europe | MDA | Moldova, Republic of | Residence Permit (2016) (Stateless person) |
Europe | Eastern Europe | MDA | Moldova, Republic of | Residence Permit (2016) (Stateless person) Side B |
Europe | Eastern Europe | MDA | Moldova, Republic of | Residence permit (2016-2022) |
Europe | Eastern Europe | MDA | Moldova, Republic of | Residence permit (2016-2022) (Foreign Citizen) |
Europe | Eastern Europe | MDA | Moldova, Republic of | Residence Permit (2022) (Foreign Citizen) Side B |
Europe | Eastern Europe | MDA | Moldova, Republic of | Residence Permit (2022) Side B |
Europe | Eastern Europe | POL | Poland | Registration Certificate (2004-2018) |
Europe | Eastern Europe | POL | Poland | Registration Certificate (2004-2018) Side B |
Europe | Eastern Europe | POL | Poland | Registration Certificate (2004-2018) Side C |
Europe | Eastern Europe | POL | Poland | Temporary Registration Certificate (2004 |
Europe | Eastern Europe | POL | Poland | Temporary Resident Card (1998) |
Europe | Eastern Europe | ROU,ROM | Romania | ePassport (2010) Diplomatic #1 |
Europe | Eastern Europe | ROU,ROM | Romania | ePassport (2010) Diplomatic #2 |
Europe | Eastern Europe | ROU,ROM | Romania | ePassport (2010) Service #1 |
Europe | Eastern Europe | ROU,ROM | Romania | ePassport (2010) Service #2 |
Europe | Eastern Europe | ROU,ROM | Romania | ePassport (2010) Travel Document #1 |
Europe | Eastern Europe | ROU,ROM | Romania | ePassport (2010) Travel Document #2 |
Europe | Eastern Europe | ROU,ROM | Romania | Passport (2014) Temporary |
Europe | Eastern Europe | ROU,ROM | Romania | Passport (2019) Temporary #1 |
Europe | Eastern Europe | ROU,ROM | Romania | Passport (2019) Temporary #2 |
Europe | Eastern Europe | ROU,ROM | Romania | Passport (2019) Temporary #3 |
Europe | Eastern Europe | ROU,ROM | Romania | Passport (2019) Temporary #3 Page B |
Europe | Eastern Europe | ROU,ROM | Romania | Passport (2019) Temporary Page 3 |
Europe | Eastern Europe | ROU,ROM | Romania | Permanent Resident Card (2021) |
Europe | Eastern Europe | ROU,ROM | Romania | Resident Card (2021) |
Europe | Eastern Europe | RUS | Russian Federation | Alien Id Card (2021) |
Europe | Eastern Europe | RUS | Russian Federation | Alien Registration Card (2021) Side B |
Europe | Eastern Europe | RUS | Russian Federation | Certificate of birth #3 (Full) |
Europe | Eastern Europe | RUS | Russian Federation | Certificate of divorce #1 (Full) |
Europe | Eastern Europe | RUS | Russian Federation | Certificate of divorce #2 (Full) |
Europe | Eastern Europe | RUS | Russian Federation | Certificate of marriage #1 (Full) |
Europe | Eastern Europe | RUS | Russian Federation | Criminal police certificate #1 |
Europe | Eastern Europe | RUS | Russian Federation | Driver Card #2 |
Europe | Eastern Europe | RUS | Russian Federation | Driver Training Certificate (2013) Side B |
Europe | Eastern Europe | RUS | Russian Federation | Driving License (1996) #1 |
Europe | Eastern Europe | RUS | Russian Federation | Driving License (1996) #2 |
Europe | Eastern Europe | RUS | Russian Federation | Driving License (1996) Side B |
Europe | Eastern Europe | RUS | Russian Federation | ePassport (2021) Diplomatic |
Europe | Eastern Europe | RUS | Russian Federation | ePassport (2021) Service |
Europe | Eastern Europe | RUS | Russian Federation | ePassport (2021) Stateless person |
Europe | Eastern Europe | RUS | Russian Federation | eVisa Notification #3 |
Europe | Eastern Europe | RUS | Russian Federation | Residence Permit (2005) |
Europe | Eastern Europe | RUS | Russian Federation | Residence Permit (2005) (not MRZ) |
Europe | Eastern Europe | RUS | Russian Federation | Residence Permit (2005) Page B |
Europe | Eastern Europe | RUS | Russian Federation | SNILS Card #6 |
Europe | Eastern Europe | RUS | Russian Federation | SNILS Card #7 |
Europe | Eastern Europe | RUS | Russian Federation | Temporary Residence Permit #2 |
Europe | Eastern Europe | RUS | Russian Federation | Temporary Residence Permit #2 (not MRZ) |
Europe | Eastern Europe | RUS | Russian Federation | Temporary Residence Permit #3 |
Europe | Eastern Europe | RUS | Russian Federation | Temporary Residence Permit #3 (not MRZ) |
Europe | Eastern Europe | RUS | Russian Federation | Temporary Residence Permit (2001) (not MRZ) |
Europe | Eastern Europe | RUS | Russian Federation | Work Permit #10 (2) |
Europe | Eastern Europe | RUS | Russian Federation | Work Permit #13 |
Europe | Eastern Europe | RUS | Russian Federation | Work Permit #13 Side B |
Europe | Eastern Europe | RUS | Russian Federation | Work Permit #6 (2) |
Europe | Eastern Europe | RUS | Russian Federation | Work Permit #9 (3) |
Europe | Eastern Europe | SVK | Slovakia | Certificate of birth (2011) |
Europe | Eastern Europe | SVK | Slovakia | Criminal police certificate #1 |
Europe | Eastern Europe | SVK | Slovakia | Id Card (2021) |
Europe | Eastern Europe | SVK | Slovakia | Passport (2002) Travel Document |
Europe | Eastern Europe | SVK | Slovakia | Resident Card (2020) (Family Member) #3 |
Europe | Eastern Europe | SVK | Slovakia | Visa (2011) |
Europe | Eastern Europe | SVK | Slovakia | Visa (2019) |
Europe | Eastern Europe | - | Transnistria | Registration Certificate (2024) |
Europe | Eastern Europe | - | Transnistria | Registration Certificate (2024) Side B Europe Eastern Europe Transnistria |
Europe | Northern Europe | UKR | Ukraine | Id Card (2016) |
Europe | Northern Europe | UKR | Ukraine | Id Card (2016) Side B |
Europe | Northern Europe | UKR | Ukraine | Id Card (2016-2018) |
Europe | Northern Europe | UKR | Ukraine | Id Card (2018) Side B |
Europe | Northern Europe | UKR | Ukraine | Passport (1993) |
Europe | Northern Europe | UKR | Ukraine | Passport (1993) (8307) |
Europe | Northern Europe | UKR | Ukraine | Passport (1993) Cover |
Europe | Northern Europe | UKR | Ukraine | Passport (1993) Page 2 |
Europe | Northern Europe | UKR | Ukraine | Passport (1993) Page 5 |
Europe | Northern Europe | UKR | Ukraine | Passport (1999) Service |
Europe | Northern Europe | UKR | Ukraine | Passport (2001) |
Europe | Northern Europe | UKR | Ukraine | Passport (2007) #1 |
Europe | Northern Europe | UKR | Ukraine | Passport (2007) #2 |
Europe | Northern Europe | UKR | Ukraine | Passport (2015) |
Europe | Northern Europe | UKR | Ukraine | Qualification Driving License (2020) |
Europe | Northern Europe | UKR | Ukraine | Qualification Driving License (2020) Side B |
Europe | Northern Europe | UKR | Ukraine | Registration Certificate (2014) |
Europe | Northern Europe | UKR | Ukraine | Registration Certificate (2014) Side B |
Europe | Northern Europe | UKR | Ukraine | Registration Certificate (2021-2022) Side B |
Europe | Northern Europe | UKR | Ukraine | Registration Certificate (2022) |
Europe | Northern Europe | DNK | Denmark | Criminal police certificate #1 |
Europe | Northern Europe | DNK | Denmark | Criminal police certificate #2 |
Europe | Northern Europe | DNK | Denmark | Driver Training Certificate (2023) |
Europe | Northern Europe | DNK | Denmark | Driving License (2024) |
Europe | Northern Europe | DNK | Denmark | Driving License (2024) Side B |
Europe | Northern Europe | DNK | Denmark | Passport (2006) Emergency |
Europe | Northern Europe | DNK | Denmark | Residence Permit (2003) |
Europe | Northern Europe | DNK | Denmark | Visa (2011) |
Europe | Northern Europe | EST | Estonia | Criminal police certificate #1 |
Europe | Northern Europe | EST | Estonia | Digital Resident Id Card (2018) Side B |
Europe | Northern Europe | FRO | Faroe Islands | Driving License (2021) |
Europe | Northern Europe | FIN | Finland | Criminal police certificate #1 |
Europe | Northern Europe | FIN | Finland | Driving License (1998-2000) Aland |
Europe | Northern Europe | FIN | Finland | Driving License (1998-2000) Aland Side B |
Europe | Northern Europe | FIN | Finland | Driving License (2024) |
Europe | Northern Europe | FIN | Finland | Driving License (2024) Side B |
Europe | Northern Europe | FIN | Finland | Passport (1987) |
Europe | Northern Europe | FIN | Finland | Passport (1993) Aland |
Europe | Northern Europe | FIN | Finland | Passport (1997) |
Europe | Northern Europe | FIN | Finland | Passport (1997) Service |
Europe | Northern Europe | FIN | Finland | Passport (2023) Emergency |
Europe | Northern Europee | FIN | Finland | Qualification Driving License (2019) |
Europe | Northern Europe | FIN | Finland | Visa (2022) |
Europe | Northern Europe | GGY | Guernsey | Driving License (2019) |
Europe | Northern Europe | GGY | Guernsey | Driving License (2019) Side B |
Europe | Northern Europe | GGY | Guernsey | Provisional Driving License (2019) |
Europe | Northern Europe | ISL | Iceland | Driving License (2020) |
Europe | Northern Europe | ISL | Iceland | Driving License (2020) Side B |
Europe | Northern Europe | ISL | Iceland | Id Card (2024) #1 |
Europe | Northern Europe | ISL | Iceland | Id Card (2024) #1 Side B |
Europe | Northern Europe | ISL | Iceland | Id Card (2024) #2 |
Europe | Northern Europe | ISL | Iceland | Id Card (2024) #2 Side B |
Europe | Northern Europe | ISL | Iceland | Resident Card (2020) (Family Member) |
Europe | Northern Europe | ISL | Iceland | Visa (2011) |
Europe | Northern Europe | ISL | Iceland | Visa (2022) |
Europe | Northern Europe | IRL | Ireland | ePassport (2021) Travel Document |
Europe | Northern Europe | IRL | Ireland | ePassport (2021) Travel Document 1951 |
Europe | Northern Europe | JEY | Jersey | Driving License (2014-2021) |
Europe | Northern Europe | LVA | Latvia | ePassport (2024) |
Europe | Northern Europe | LVA | Latvia | ePassport (2024) Alien's |
Europe | Northern Europe | LVA | Latvia | ePassport (2024) Diplomatic |
Europe | Northern Europe | LVA | Latvia | ePassport (2024) Page 3 |
Europe | Northern Europe | LVA | Latvia | ePassport (2024) Service |
Europe | Northern Europe | LVA | Latvia | ePassport (2024) Travel Document |
Europe | Northern Europe | LVA | Latvia | ePassport (2024) Travel Document 1951 |
Europe | Northern Europe | LVA | Latvia | ePassport (2024) Travel Document 1954 |
Europe | Northern Europe | LVA | Latvia | Registration Certificate (2004-2019) |
Europe | Northern Europe | LVA | Latvia | Registration Certificate (2014-2019) Side B |
Europe | Northern Europe | LVA | Latvia | Visa (2022) |
Europe | Northern Europe | LTU | Lithuania | Police Card (2023) |
Europe | Northern Europe | LTU | Lithuania | Police Card (2023) Side B |
Europe | Northern Europe | LTU | Lithuania | Professional Id Card (2023) #1 |
Europe | Northern Europe | LTU | Lithuania | Professional Id Card (2023) #1 Side B |
Europe | Northern Europe | LTU | Lithuania | Professional Id Card (2023) #2 |
Europe | Northern Europe | LTU | Lithuania | Professional Id Card (2023) #2 Side B |
Europe | Northern Europe | NOR | Norway | Driver Card (2019) |
Europe | Northern Europe | NOR | Norway | Driving License (2004-2007) #1 |
Europe | Northern Europe | NOR | Norway | Driving License (2004-2007) #2 |
Europe | Northern Europe | NOR | Norway | Qualification Driving License (2023) |
Europe | Northern Europe | NOR | Norway | Qualification Driving License (2023) Side B |
Europe | Northern Europe | NOR | Norway | Residence Permit (2004) |
Europe | Northern Europe | SWE | Sweden | Residence Permit (2002) |
Europe | Northern Europe | GBR,GBD,GBO,GBP,GBN,GBS | United Kingdom | Criminal police certificate #1 |
Europe | Northern Europe | GBR,GBD,GBO,GBP,GBN,GBS | United Kingdom | Proof of Age Card #2 (1) |
Europe | Northern Europe | GBR,GBD,GBO,GBP,GBN,GBS | United Kingdom | Proof of Age Card #2 (2) |
Europe | Northern Europe | GBR,GBD,GBO,GBP,GBN,GBS | United Kingdom | Proof of Age Card #2 Side B (1) |
Europe | Northern Europe | GBR,GBD,GBO,GBP,GBN,GBS | United Kingdom | Proof of Age Card #2 Side B (2) |
Europe | Northern Europe | GBR,GBD,GBO,GBP,GBN,GBS | United Kingdom | Proof of Age Card #2 Side B (3) |
Europe | Northern Europe | GBR,GBD,GBO,GBP,GBN,GBS | United Kingdom | Proof of Age Card #6 Side B |
Europe | Northern Europe | GBR,GBD,GBO,GBP,GBN,GBS | United Kingdom | Proof of Age Card (2014) #1 |
Europe | Northern Europe | GBR,GBD,GBO,GBP,GBN,GBS | United Kingdom | Proof of Age Card (2014) #2 (1) |
Europe | Northern Europe | GBR,GBD,GBO,GBP,GBN,GBS | United Kingdom | Proof of Age Card (2014) #2 (2) |
Europe | Northern Europe | GBR,GBD,GBO,GBP,GBN,GBS | United Kingdom | Proof of Age Card (2014) #2 Side B |
Europe | Northern Europe | GBR,GBD,GBO,GBP,GBN,GBS | United Kingdom | Proof of Age Card (2014) #3 (1) |
Europe | Northern Europe | GBR,GBD,GBO,GBP,GBN,GBS | United Kingdom | Proof of Age Card (2014) #3 (2) |
Europe | Northern Europe | GBR,GBD,GBO,GBP,GBN,GBS | United Kingdom | Proof of Age Card (2014) #4 (1) |
Europe | Northern Europe | GBR,GBD,GBO,GBP,GBN,GBS | United Kingdom | Proof of Age Card (2014) #4 (2) |
Europe | Northern Europe | GBR,GBD,GBO,GBP,GBN,GBS | United Kingdom | Proof of Age Card (2014) #4 Side B |
Europe | Northern Europe | GBR,GBD,GBO,GBP,GBN,GBS | United Kingdom | Proof of Age Card (2014) #5 (1) |
Europe | Northern Europe | GBR,GBD,GBO,GBP,GBN,GBS | United Kingdom | Proof of Age Card (2014) #5 (2) |
Europe | Northern Europe | GBR,GBD,GBO,GBP,GBN,GBS | United Kingdom | Proof of Age Card (2014) #5 Side B |
Europe | Northern Europe | GBR,GBD,GBO,GBP,GBN,GBS | United Kingdom | Proof of Age Card (2014) #6 |
Europe | Northern Europe | GBR,GBD,GBO,GBP,GBN,GBS | United Kingdom | Proof of Age Card (2014) #7 |
Europe | Northern Europe | GBR,GBD,GBO,GBP,GBN,GBS | United Kingdom | Proof of Age Card (2023) #1 (1) |
Europe | Northern Europe | GBR,GBD,GBO,GBP,GBN,GBS | United Kingdom | Proof of Age Card (2023) #1 (2) |
Europe | Northern Europe | GBR,GBD,GBO,GBP,GBN,GBS | United Kingdom | Proof of Age Card (2023) #2 (1) |
Europe | Northern Europe | GBR,GBD,GBO,GBP,GBN,GBS | United Kingdom | Proof of Age Card (2023) #2 (2) |
Europe | Northern Europe | GBR,GBD,GBO,GBP,GBN,GBS | United Kingdom | Proof of Age Card (2023) Side B |
Europe | Northern Europe | GBR,GBD,GBO,GBP,GBN,GBS | United Kingdom | Provisional Driving License (1998) |
Europe | Northern Europe | GBR,GBD,GBO,GBP,GBN,GBS | United Kingdom | Provisional Driving License (1998) Side B |
Europe | Northern Europe | GBR,GBD,GBO,GBP,GBN,GBS | United Kingdom | Provisional Driving License (1999) |
Europe | Northern Europe | GBR,GBD,GBO,GBP,GBN,GBS | United Kingdom | Provisional Driving License (1999) Side B |
Europe | Northern Europe | GBR,GBD,GBO,GBP,GBN,GBS | United Kingdom | Qualification Driving License (2021) #1 |
Europe | Northern Europe | GBR,GBD,GBO,GBP,GBN,GBS | United Kingdom | Qualification Driving License (2021) #1 Side B |
Europe | Northern Europe | GBR,GBD,GBO,GBP,GBN,GBS | United Kingdom | Qualification Driving License (2021) #2 |
Europe | Northern Europe | GBR,GBD,GBO,GBP,GBN,GBS | United Kingdom | Qualification Driving License (2021) #2 Side B |
Europe | Northern Europe | GBR,GBD,GBO,GBP,GBN,GBS | United Kingdom | Residence Permit (2003) |
Europe | Northern Europe | GBR,GBD,GBO,GBP,GBN,GBS | United Kingdom | Residence Permit (2008-2011) Side B |
Europe | Northern Europe | GBR,GBD,GBO,GBP,GBN,GBS | United Kingdom | Residence Permit (2011) |
Europe | Northern Europe | GBR,GBD,GBO,GBP,GBN,GBS | United Kingdom | Resident Card (2011) (Family Member) |
Europe | Northern Europe | GBR,GBD,GBO,GBP,GBN,GBS | United Kingdom | Resident Card (2016) #1 |
Europe | Northern Europe | GBR,GBD,GBO,GBP,GBN,GBS | United Kingdom | Resident Card (2016) #2 |
Europe | Northern Europe | GBR,GBD,GBO,GBP,GBN,GBS | United Kingdom | Resident Card (2016) #3 |
Europe | Northern Europe | GBR,GBD,GBO,GBP,GBN,GBS | United Kingdom | Resident Card (2020) #1 |
Europe | Northern Europe | GBR,GBD,GBO,GBP,GBN,GBS | United Kingdom | Resident Card (2020) #2 |
Europe | Northern Europe | GBR,GBD,GBO,GBP,GBN,GBS | United Kingdom | Visa (2011) |
Europe | Northern Europe | GBR,GBD,GBO,GBP,GBN,GBS | United Kingdom | Visa (2023) |
Europe | Southern Europe | ALB | Albania | Alien Id Card (2013) Side B |
Europe | Southern Europe | ALB | Albania | Criminal police certificate #1 |
Europe | Southern Europe | ALB | Albania | Driver Card (2010) |
Europe | Southern Europe | ALB | Albania | Driver Training Certificate (2023) |
Europe | Southern Europe | ALB | Albania | Driver Training Certificate (2023) Side B |
Europe | Southern Europe | ALB | Albania | Residence Permit (2021) |
Europe | Southern Europe | ALB | Albania | Visa (2017) |
Europe | Southern Europe | AND | Andorra | Driver Card (2022) |
Europe | Southern Europe | AND | Andorra | Driver Card (2022) Side B |
Europe | Southern Europe | BIH | Bosnia and Herzegovina | Permission to the Local Border Traffic #1 |
Europe | Southern Europe | BIH | Bosnia and Herzegovina | Qualification Driving License (2014) |
Europe | Southern Europe | HRV | Croatia | Criminal police certificate #1 |
Europe | Southern Europe | HRV | Croatia | Driver Training Certificate (2013) |
Europe | Southern Europe | HRV | Croatia | Driver Training Certificate (2013) Side B |
Europe | Southern Europe | HRV | Croatia | Driving License (1993) |
Europe | Southern Europe | HRV | Croatia | Driving License (2023) |
Europe | Southern Europe | HRV | Croatia | Driving License (2023) Side B |
Europe | Southern Europe | HRV | Croatia | Id Card (2013) #1 |
Europe | Southern Europe | HRV | Croatia | Id Card (2013) #2 |
Europe | Southern Europe | HRV | Croatia | Id Card (2013-2015) #2 Side B |
Europe | Southern Europe | HRV | Croatia | Id Card (2013-2015) #1 Side B |
Europe | Southern Europe | HRV | Croatia | Passport (1991) |
Europe | Southern Europe | HRV | Croatia | Passport (2000) #1 |
Europe | Southern Europe | HRV | Croatia | Passport (2000) #2 |
Europe | Southern Europe | HRV | Croatia | Qualification Driving License (2021) |
Europe | Southern Europe | HRV | Croatia | Qualification Driving License (2021) Side B |
Europe | Southern Europe | HRV | Croatia | Registration Certificate (2018) |
Europe | Southern Europe | HRV | Croatia | Registration Certificate (2018) Side B |
Europe | Southern Europe | GIB | Gibraltar | Driving License (2016) |
Europe | Southern Europe | GIB | Gibraltar | Driving License (2016) Side B |
Europe | Southern Europe | GIB | Gibraltar | Driving License (2021) #2 |
Europe | Southern Europe | GIB | Gibraltar | Driving License (2021) #2 Side B |
Europe | Southern Europe | GRC | Greece | Driver Training Certificate (2019) |
Europe | Southern Europe | GRC | Greece | Driver Training Certificate (2019) Side B |
Europe | Southern Europe | GRC | Greece | ePassport (2006) |
Europe | Southern Europe | GRC | Greece | ePassport (2006) Diplomatic |
Europe | Southern Europe | GRC | Greece | ePassport (2006) Service |
Europe | Southern Europe | GRC | Greece | ePassport (2006-2014) Page 3 |
Europe | Southern Europe | GRC | Greece | ePassport (2007) |
Europe | Southern Europe | GRC | Greece | ePassport (2007) Diplomatic |
Europe | Southern Europe | GRC | Greece | ePassport (2007) Service |
Europe | Southern Europe | GRC | Greece | ePassport (2023) |
Europe | Southern Europe | GRC | Greece | ePassport (2023) Diplomatic |
Europe | Southern Europe | GRC | Greece | ePassport (2023) Page 1 |
Europe | Southern Europe | GRC | Greece | ePassport (2023) Service |
Europe | Southern Europe | GRC | Greece | ePassport (2023) Travel Document |
Europe | Southern Europe | GRC | Greece | Id Card (2023) |
Europe | Southern Europe | GRC | Greece | Id Card (2023) Side B |
Europe | Southern Europe | GRC | Greece | Military Id Card #6 |
Europe | Southern Europe | GRC | Greece | Military Id Card #6 Side B |
Europe | Southern Europe | GRC | Greece | Police Card (2023) |
Europe | Southern Europe | GRC | Greece | Police Card (2023) Side B |
Europe | Southern Europe | GRC | Greece | Visa (2022) |
Europe | Southern Europe | VAT | Holy See (Vatican City State) | ePassport (2008) Diplomatic |
Europe | Southern Europe | VAT | Holy See (Vatican City State) | ePassport (2008) Service |
Europe | Southern Europe | ITA | Italy | Criminal police certificate #1 |
Europe | Southern Europe | ITA | Italy | Consular Id Card (2006-2011) |
Europe | Southern Europe | ITA | Italy | Diplomatic Id Card (2006-2011) #4 |
Europe | Southern Europe | ITA | Italy | Diplomatic Id Card (2006-2011) #5 |
Europe | Southern Europe | ITA | Italy | ePassport (2023) |
Europe | Southern Europe | ITA | Italy | ePassport (2023) Diplomatic |
Europe | Southern Europe | ITA | Italy | Id Card (1994) #1 (1) |
Europe | Southern Europe | ITA | Italy | Id Card (1994) #1 (2) |
Europe | Southern Europe | ITA | Italy | Id Card (1994) #1 (Full) |
Europe | Southern Europe | ITA | Italy | Id Card (1994) #1 Side B (1) |
Europe | Southern Europe | ITA | Italy | Id Card (1994) #1 Side B (2) |
Europe | Southern Europe | ITA | Italy | Id Card (1994) #1 Side B (Full) |
Europe | Southern Europe | ITA | Italy | Id Card (1994) #2 (1) |
Europe | Southern Europe | ITA | Italy | Id Card (1994) #2 (2) |
Europe | Southern Europe | ITA | Italy | Id Card (1994) #2 (Full) |
Europe | Southern Europe | ITA | Italy | Id Card (1994) #2 Side B (1) |
Europe | Southern Europe | ITA | Italy | Id Card (1994) #2 Side B (2) |
Europe | Southern Europe | ITA | Italy | Id Card (1994) #2 Side B (Full) |
Europe | Southern Europe | ITA | Italy | Id Card (1994) #3 (1) |
Europe | Southern Europe | ITA | Italy | Id Card (1994) #3 (2) |
Europe | Southern Europe | ITA | Italy | Id Card (1994) #3 (Full) |
Europe | Southern Europe | ITA | Italy | Id Card (1994) #3 Side B (1) |
Europe | Southern Europe | ITA | Italy | Id Card (1994) #3 Side B (2) |
Europe | Southern Europe | ITA | Italy | Id Card (1994) #3 Side B (Full) |
Europe | Southern Europe | ITA | Italy | Id Card (2006-2011) (Service Staff) #5 |
Europe | Southern Europe | ITA | Italy | Id Card (2006-2011) (Service Staff) #6 |
Europe | Southern Europe | ITA | Italy | Passport (2010) Temporary |
Europe | Southern Europe | ITA | Italy | Qualification Driving License (2009) |
Europe | Southern Europe | ITA | Italy | Qualification Driving License (2009) Side B |
Europe | Southern Europe | ITA | Italy | Visa (2011) |
Europe | Southern Europe | RKS,UNK | Kosovo | ePassport (2024) |
Europe | Southern Europe | MLT | Malta | Criminal police certificate #1 |
Europe | Southern Europe | MLT | Malta | Driver Card (2017) |
Europe | Southern Europe | MLT | Malta | Driver Card (2017) Side B |
Europe | Southern Europe | MLT | Malta | Driving License (2001) |
Europe | Southern Europe | MLT | Malta | Driving License (2001) Side B |
Europe | Southern Europe | MLT | Malta | Driving License (2020) |
Europe | Southern Europe | MLT | Malta | Driving License (2020) Side B |
Europe | Southern Europe | MLT | Malta | Id Card (2022) (Diplomatic Staff) |
Europe | Southern Europe | MLT | Malta | Id Card (2022) Special |
Europe | Southern Europe | MLT | Malta | Permanent Resident Card (2020) |
Europe | Southern Europe | MLT | Malta | Visa (2010) |
Europe | Southern Europe | MNE | Montenegro | ePassport (2020) Service |
Europe | Southern Europe | MNE | Montenegro | Firearm Permit (2008) #1 |
Europe | Southern Europe | MNE | Montenegro | Firearm Permit (2008) #2 |
Europe | Southern Europe | MNE | Montenegro | Firearm Permit (2008) Side B |
Europe | Southern Europe | MNE | Montenegro | Firearm Permit (2020) #1 |
Europe | Southern Europe | MNE | Montenegro | Firearm Permit (2020) #2 |
Europe | Southern Europe | MNE | Montenegro | Id Card (2020) #3 |
Europe | Southern Europe | MNE | Montenegro | Temporary Work Permit (2020) Side B |
Europe | Western Europe | MKD | North Macedonia, Republic of | Criminal police certificate #1 |
Europe | Western Europe | MKD | North Macedonia, Republic of | ePassport #4 |
Europe | Western Europe | MKD | North Macedonia, Republic of | ePassport (2015-2021) #1 Page 1 |
Europe | Western Europe | MKD | North Macedonia, Republic of | ePassport (2015-2021) #2 Page 1 |
Europe | Western Europe | MKD | North Macedonia, Republic of | ePassport (2021) #4 Page 1 |
Europe | Western Europe | MKD | North Macedonia, Republic of | ePassport (2021) #5 |
Europe | Western Europe | MKD | North Macedonia, Republic of | ePassport (2021) #5 Page 1 |
Europe | Western Europe | MKD | North Macedonia, Republic of | ePassport (2021) Diplomatic |
Europe | Western Europe | MKD | North Macedonia, Republic of | ePassport (2021) Service |
Europe | Western Europe | MKD | North Macedonia, Republic of | Id Card (2021) #3 Side B |
Europe | Western Europe | MKD | North Macedonia, Republic of | Temporary Residence Permit (2008) |
Europe | Western Europe | MKD | North Macedonia, Republic of | Temporary Residence Permit (2008) Side B |
Europe | Western Europe | PRT | Portugal | Criminal police certificate #1 |
Europe | Western Europe | PRT | Portugal | Driver Training Certificate (2013) |
Europe | Western Europe | PRT | Portugal | Driver Training Certificate (2013) Side B |
Europe | Western Europe | PRT | Portugal | Id Card (2024) #1 |
Europe | Western Europe | PRT | Portugal | Id Card (2024) #1 Side B |
Europe | Western Europe | PRT | Portugal | Id Card (2024) #2 |
Europe | Western Europe | PRT | Portugal | Id Card (2024) #2 Side B |
Europe | Western Europe | PRT | Portugal | Permanent Residence Certificate (2024) (EU Citizen) |
Europe | Western Europe | PRT | Portugal | Permanent Residence Certificate (2024) (EU Citizen) Side B |
Europe | Western Europe | PRT | Portugal | Residence Permit (2013) |
Europe | Western Europe | PRT | Portugal | Visa (2003) |
Europe | Western Europe | PRT | Portugal | Visa (2012) |
Europe | Western Europe | SMR | San Marino | Driving License (2003) |
Europe | Western Europe | SMR | San Marino | Driving License (2003) Side B |
Europe | Western Europe | SMR | San Marino | Driving License (2021) |
Europe | Western Europe | SMR | San Marino | ePassport (2014) |
Europe | Western Europe | SMR | San Marino | ePassport (2014) Diplomatic |
Europe | Western Europe | SMR | San Marino | ePassport (2014) Service |
Europe | Western Europe | SMR | San Marino | Id Card (2004) |
Europe | Western Europe | SMR | San Marino | Id Card (2004) Side B |
Europe | Western Europe | SRB | Serbia | Criminal police certificate #1 |
Europe | Western Europe | SRB | Serbia | Criminal police certificate #2 |
Europe | Western Europe | SRB | Serbia | Temporary Residence Permit (2024) |
Europe | Western Europe | SRB | Serbia | Temporary Residence Permit (2024) Side B |
Europe | Western Europe | SRB | Serbia | Temporary Work Permit (2024) |
Europe | Western Europe | SRB | Serbia | Visa (2010) |
Europe | Western Europe | SVN | Slovenia | Border Crossing Card #1 |
Europe | Western Europe | SVN | Slovenia | Visa (2022) |
Europe | Western Europe | ESP | Spain | Criminal police certificate #1 |
Europe | Western Europe | ESP | Spain | Military Driving License (2014) |
Europe | Western Europe | ESP | Spain | Military Driving License (2014) Side B |
Europe | Western Europe | AUT | Austria | Criminal police certificate #1 |
Europe | Western Europe | AUT | Austria | Diplomatic Id Card #3 |
Europe | Western Europe | AUT | Austria | Diplomatic Id Card (2010) |
Europe | Western Europe | AUT | Austria | Diplomatic Id Card (2010) Side B |
Europe | Western Europe | AUT | Austria | ePassport (2023) |
Europe | Western Europe | AUT | Austria | ePassport (2023) Alien's |
Europe | Western Europe | AUT | Austria | ePassport (2023) Diplomatic |
Europe | Western Europe | AUT | Austria | ePassport (2023) Page 1 |
Europe | Western Europe | AUT | Austria | ePassport (2023) Page B |
Europe | Western Europe | AUT | Austria | ePassport (2023) Page B (2) |
Europe | Western Europe | AUT | Austria | ePassport (2023) Service |
Europe | Western Europe | AUT | Austria | ePassport (2023) Travel Document |
Europe | Western Europe | AUT | Austria | Passport (2006) Emergency |
Europe | Western Europe | AUT | Austria | Passport (2022) Emergency |
Europe | Western Europe | AUT | Austria | Visa (2011) |
Europe | Western Europe | BEL | Belgium | Criminal police certificate #1 (1) |
Europe | Western Europe | BEL | Belgium | Criminal police certificate #1 (2) |
Europe | Western Europe | BEL | Belgium | Driver Training Certificate (2013) |
Europe | Western Europe | BEL | Belgium | Driver Training Certificate (2013) Side B |
Europe | Western Europe | BEL | Belgium | Driving License (1995) |
Europe | Western Europe | BEL | Belgium | Passport (2014) Emergency |
Europe | Western Europe | BEL | Belgium | Passport (2022) Emergency #1 |
Europe | Western Europe | BEL | Belgium | Passport (2022) Emergency #2 |
Europe | Western Europe | BEL | Belgium | Registration Certificate (2019) #1 |
Europe | Western Europe | BEL | Belgium | Registration Certificate (2019) #1 Side B (1) |
Europe | Western Europe | BEL | Belgium | Registration Certificate (2019) #1 Side B (2) |
Europe | Western Europe | BEL | Belgium | Registration Certificate (2019) #2 |
Europe | Western Europe | BEL | Belgium | Registration Certificate (2019) #2 Side B (1) |
Europe | Western Europe | BEL | Belgium | Registration Certificate (2019) #2 Side B (2) |
Europe | Western Europe | BEL | Belgium | Registration Certificate (2019) #3 |
Europe | Western Europe | BEL | Belgium | Registration Certificate (2019) #3 Side B (1) |
Europe | Western Europe | BEL | Belgium | Train Driving License #1 Side B |
Europe | Western Europe | BEL | Belgium | Visa (2008) |
Europe | Western Europe | FRA | France | Driving License (1985) |
Europe | Western Europe | FRA | France | Professional Driving License (2017) |
Europe | Western Europe | FRA | France | Professional Driving License (2017) Side B |
Europe | Western Europe | FRA | France | Visa (2004) |
Europe | Western Europe | D<<,DEU | Germany | Criminal police certificate #1 |
Europe | Western Europe | D<<,DEU | Germany | ePassport (2024) |
Europe | Western Europe | D<<,DEU | Germany | ePassport (2024) Travel Document |
EuropeEurope | Western Europe | D<<,DEU | Germany | Professional Driving Permit #1 |
EuropeEurope | Western Europe | D<<,DEU | Germany | Professional Driving Permit #1 Side B |
Europe | Western Europe | D<<,DEU | Germany | Temporary Residence Permit (2005) #1 |
Europe | Western Europe | D<<,DEU | Germany | Temporary Residence Permit (2005) #1 Page 2 |
Europe | Western Europe | D<<,DEU | Germany | Temporary Residence Permit (2005) #1 Page 4 |
Europe | Western Europe | D<<,DEU | Germany | Temporary Residence Permit (2005) #2 |
Europe | Western Europe | D<<,DEU | Germany | Temporary Residence Permit (2005) #2 Page 2 |
Europe | Western Europe | D<<,DEU | Germany | Temporary Residence Permit (2005) #2 Page 3 |
Europe | Western Europe | D<<,DEU | Germany | Temporary Residence Permit (2005) #2 Page 6 |
Europe | Western Europe | D<<,DEU | Germany | Temporary Residence Permit (2005) #3 Page 2 |
Europe | Western Europe | D<<,DEU | Germany | Temporary Residence Permit (2005) #3 Page 3 |
Europe | Western Europe | D<<,DEU | Germany | Temporary Residence Permit (2005) #3 Page 4 |
Europe | Western Europe | D<<,DEU | Germany | Train Driving License (2011) |
Europe | Western Europe | D<<,DEU | Germany | Train Driving License (2011) Side B |
Europe | Western Europe | D<<,DEU | Germany | Visa (1995) |
Europe | Western Europe | LIE | Liechtenstein | Driver Training Certificate (2013) |
Europe | Western Europe | LIE | Liechtenstein | Driver Training Certificate (2013) Side B |
Europe | Western Europe | LIE | Liechtenstein | ePassport #1 Travel Document 1951 |
Europe | Western Europe | LIE | Liechtenstein | ePassport (2006) Diplomatic |
Europe | Western Europe | LIE | Liechtenstein | ePassport (2006) Service |
Europe | Western Europe | LIE | Liechtenstein | Id Card (2024) |
Europe | Western Europe | LIE | Liechtenstein | Id Card (2024) Side B |
Europe | Western Europe | LIE | Liechtenstein | Resident Card (2024) |
Europe | Western Europe | LIE | Liechtenstein | Resident Card (2024) Side B |
Europe | Western Europe | LUX | Luxembourg | Criminal police certificate #1 |
Europe | Western Europe | LUX | Luxembourg | Driver Card (2011) |
Europe | Western Europe | LUX | Luxembourg | Firearm License (2012) |
Europe | Western Europe | LUX | Luxembourg | Firearm License (2012) Side B |
Europe | Western Europe | LUX | Luxembourg | Visa (2011) |
Europe | Western Europe | LUX | Luxembourg | Visa (2019) |
Europe | Western Europe | MCO | Monaco | Driving License (2015) |
Europe | Western Europe | MCO | Monaco | Residence Permit (1998) #1 |
Europe | Western Europe | MCO | Monaco | Residence Permit (1998) #2 |
Europe | Western Europe | MCO | Monaco | Residence Permit (1998) Side B |
Europe | Western Europe | MCO | Monaco | Temporary Residence Permit (1998) |
Europe | Western Europe | NLD | Netherlands | Alien Id Card (1994) |
Europe | Western Europe | NLD | Netherlands | Alien Id Card (1994) Side B |
Europe | Western Europe | NLD | Netherlands | Criminal police certificate #1 |
Europe | Western Europe | NLD | Netherlands | Driving License (1987) |
Europe | Western Europe | NLD | Netherlands | Passport (1994) |
Europe | Western Europe | NLD | Netherlands | Passport (1997) |
Europe | Western Europe | NLD | Netherlands | Qualification Driving License (2021) |
Europe | Western Europe | NLD | Netherlands | Qualification Driving License (2021) Side B |
Europe | Western Europe | NLD | Netherlands | Visa (2011) |
Europe | Western Europe | NLD | Netherlands | W Document (2002) |
Europe | Western Europe | NLD | Netherlands | W Document (2002) Side B |
Europe | Western Europe | CHE | Switzerland | Criminal police certificate #1 |
Europe | Western Europe | CHE | Switzerland | Criminal police certificate #2 |
Europe | Western Europe | CHE | Switzerland | Driver Training Certificate (2014) #1 |
Europe | Western Europe | CHE | Switzerland | Driver Training Certificate (2014) #1 Side B |
Europe | Western Europe | CHE | Switzerland | Driver Training Certificate (2014) #2 |
Europe | Western Europe | CHE | Switzerland | Driver Training Certificate (2014) #2 Side B |
Europe | Western Europe | CHE | Switzerland | Travel Card (2021) |
Europe | Western Europe | CHE | Switzerland | Travel Card (2021) Side B |
Europe | Western Europe | CHE | Switzerland | Visa (2008) |
Updated 5 months ago