
Option to display all transactions executed under a Cloud or OIDC Connection.

  1. Go to Navigation -> tap Workflows.
Workflow Database

Workflow Database

To specify search criteria for Workflow, perform the below procedure:

Enter the below fields:

  1. Account ID: Account used to send the transaction to authenticate against the OIDC connection provider
  2. Phone Number: The phone number used to send the transaction to authenticate against the OIDC connection provider
  3. State: By default, it displays All Transaction Status (All, Created, Finished, Expired). Choose from the drop-down.
  4. Result: By default, it displays all transaction results (All, Unknown, Successful, Failed, Error). Choose from the drop-down.
  5. Start Date: Transaction Start date
  6. End Date: Transaction End date
  7. Connection ID: OIDC Integration ID configured under CludConnections/OpenID/Connections.
  8. Once the above fields are entered, click "Search. The workflow database grid table is displayed, as in the below screen.
Search Criteria

Search Criteria

  1. Reset All redirects to the workflow viewer screen.
  2. Details: Arrow allows the user to see the transaction details, the account linked to the transaction, and the Transaction timeline.
Workflow Details

Workflow Details

  1. Refresh: It is a connection status; it shows the web-socket connection and refreshes the data.
  2. Next and Previous Page: users can navigate through paginated results and access various data parts.
Next and Previous Page

Next and Previous Page