Transaction Types

Table 1- Definition of Transaction Types that apply to each product

ProductTransaction TypeDescription
FIDO2 EnrollEnrollFido2CredentialEnroll in transactions for device registration.
ProofGetForeignIDDocumentEnroll a transaction by doing a document validation. This transaction type is triggered when the BioWeb is used.
ProofGetIDDocumentEnroll a transaction by doing a document validation. This transaction type is triggered when the authID's app is used.
SelfieEnrollBioCredentialEnroll transactions by doing a biometric registration. This transaction type is triggered to create biometrics on the account.
SelfieGetForeignBiometryEnroll in a transaction by doing a biometric registration. This transaction type is triggered to capture the selfie.
VerifiedBiometric AuthAuthentication transaction using the Face Recognition method as the authenticator.
Verified™FIDO2 AuthAuthentication transaction using the FIDO2 method as authenticator.
Verified™Verified™ no CredentialAuthentication transaction where no credential is set for verification (Magic Link Only, OfferBio transaction).
Verified™OTP AuthAuthentication transaction using the OTP method as authenticator.

Table 2 - Verified™ transactions configured according to transaction flow [Biometric Auth, FIDO2 Auth, Verified™ no Credential, and OTP Auth]:

Verified TransactionsTransaction Flow/ Transaction Type
AccountApprovedVerified™ No Credential
AccountDeclinedVerified™ No Credential
AccountPendingVerified™ No Credential
AddAuthenticatorVerified™ No Credential
AddBeneficiaryBiometric Auth
Auth0MFABiometric Auth
BankLoginBiometric Auth
BioRecoveryBiometric Auth
EditBeneficiaryBiometric Auth
FundsTransferBiometric Auth
MDMBioRecoveryBiometric Auth
MDMVerifyFIDO2 Auth
OfferBioVerified™ No Credential
Office365MFABiometric Auth
PushAuthorizationVerified™ No Credential
ResetPasswordBiometric Auth
Verify_Identity (BW)Biometric Auth / FIDO2 Auth / Verified™ no Credential
VerifyIdentity (Push Notification)N/A, used by mobile app push